Are you (w)hole?

Alcleven B. Damalerio
2 min readAug 12, 2020
Photo by Anubhav Saxena on Unsplash

“When broken people try to complete each other it is like forcing unfit puzzle pieces together because they are somewhat similar.” ― Lidia Longorio

Two kinds of half in life.

FIRST HALF, the face we choose to show to the world, where we are entirely different after we pick up ourselves from the empty room.

Pretending strong and full of vivacity.


Full of silent battles.

Left unsaid, unanswered, unheard, and unresolved.

From the pain of emotional suffering, of disappointments, of failures.

From the pain of empty pockets, of judgement, of trying to fit in.

From the abyss of despair, of trying things but still to no avail.

From the hole that we’re trying to fill in to make us whole again.

Often we see people in crowded places with a nice smile and a loud laugh.

A bunch of people trying to traverse life,

maybe a breadwinner searching for a good fortune to support his family,

or a father who lost his job,

or a depressed student trying to get up every day for her dreams.

No one knows.

People are like puzzles, pulled together with different pieces,

a piece of sadness, a piece of disappointments, and a piece of joy.

When you look out into the world, what do you see?

A whole or a hole?

